Socket Support for Pktgen

Pktgen provides a TCP socket connection to allow you to control it from a remote console or program.

The TCP connection uses port 22022, 0x5606, and presents a Lua command shell interface.

If you telnet on port 22022 to a machine running pktgen you will get a Lua command shell like interface. This interface does not have a command line prompt, but you can issue Lua code or load script files from the local disk of the machine. You can also send programs to the remote pktgen machine to load scripts and run scripts.

Another way to connect remotely to pktgen is to use the socat program on a Linux machine:

$ socat -d -d READLINE TCP4:localhost:22022

This will create a connection and then wait for Lua command scripts. You can also send pktgen a command script file and display the output:

$ socat - TCP4:localhost:22022 < test/hello-world.lua

Lua Version      : Lua 5.3
Pktgen Version   : 2.9.0
Pktgen Copyright : Copyright(c) `<2010-2023>`, Intel Corp.
Pktgen Authors   : Keith Wiles @ Wind River Systems

Hello World!!!!

Where the the test/hello-world.lua looks like this:

package.path = package.path ..";?.lua;test/?.lua;app/?.lua;"

require "Pktgen"
printf("Lua Version      : %s\n",;
printf("Pktgen Version   : %s\n",;
printf("Pktgen Copyright : %s\n",;
printf("Pktgen Authors   : %s\n",;

printf("\nHello World!!!!\n");

Here is another socat example which loads a file from the local disk where pktgen is running and then we execute the file with a user defined function:

$ socat READLINE TCP4:
f,e = loadfile("test/hello-world.lua")
Lua Version      : Lua 5.3
Pktgen Version   : 2.9.0
Pktgen Copyright : Copyright(c) `<2010-2023>`, Intel Corp.
Pktgen Authors   : Keith Wiles @ Wind River Systems

Hello World!!!!

You can also just send it commands via echo:

$ echo "f,e = loadfile('test/hello-world.lua'); f();" \
       | socat - TCP4:
Lua Version      : Lua 5.3
Pktgen Version   : 2.9.0
Pktgen Copyright : Copyright(c) `<2010-2023>`, Intel Corp.
Pktgen Authors   : Keith Wiles @ Wind River Systems

Hello World!!!!