*** Pktgen *** Copyright &copy <2015-2020>, Intel Corporation.

README for setting up Pktgen with DPDK on Ubuntu 10.04 to 20.04 desktop, it should work on most Linux systems as long as the kernel has hugeTLB page support.

Note: Tested with Ubuntu 18.04 and up to 20.04 versions Linux 3.5.0-25-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 25 18:26:58 UTC 2013 x86_64

I am using Ubuntu 16.10 x86_64 (64 bit support) for running Pktgen-DPDK on a Crownpass Dual socket board running at 2.4GHz with 32GB of ram 16GB per socket. The current kernel version is 4.4.0-66-generic (as of 2018-04-01) support, but should work on just about any new Linux kernel version.

Currently using as of 2020-05 Ubuntu 20.04 Kernel 5.6.0+ system.

To get hugeTLB page support your Linux kernel must be at least 2.6.33 and in the DPDK documents it talks about how you can upgrade your Linux kernel.

Here is another document on how to upgrade your Linux kernel. Ubuntu 10.04 is 2.6.32 by default so upgraded to kernel 2.6.34 using this HOWTO: http://usablesoftware.wordpress.com/2010/05/26/switch-to-a-newer-kernel-in-ubuntu-10-04/

The pktgen output display needs 132 columns and about 42 lines to display currently. I am using an xterm of 132x42, but you can have a larger display and maybe a bit smaller. If you are displaying more then 4-6 ports then you will need a wider display. Pktgen allows you to view a set of ports if they do not all fit on the screen at one time via the ‘page’ command.

Type ‘help’ at the ‘Pktgen>’ prompt to see the complete Pktgen command line commands. Pktgen uses VT100 control codes or escape codes to display the screens, which means your terminal must support VT100. The Hyperterminal in windows is not going to work for Pktgen as it has a few problems with VT100 codes.

Pktgen has a number of modes to send packets single, range, random, sequeue and PCAP modes. Each mode has its own set of packet buffers and you must configure each mode to work correctly. The single packet mode is the information displayed at startup screen or when using the ‘page main or page 0’ command. The other screens can be accessed using ‘page seq|range|rnd|pcap|stats’ command.

The pktgen program as built can send up to 16 packets per port in a sequence and you can configure a port using the ‘seq’ pktgen command. A script file can be loaded from the shell command line via the -f option and you can ‘load’ a script file from within pktgen as well.

In the BIOS make sure the HPET High Precision Event Timer is enabled. Also make sure hyper-threading is enabled.

** NOTE ** On a 10GB NIC if the transceivers are not attached the screen updates will go very slow.

Pktgen command line directory format

– Pktgen Ver: 3.2.x (DPDK 17.05.0-rc0) Powered by DPDK —————

Show the commands inside the pktgen/bin directory:

    Pktgen:/> ls
    [pktgen]        [sbin]          dpdk-version    copyright
Pktgen:/> ls pktgen/bin
off             on              rate            plugin          dbg
set             pcap            stp             str             stop
start           disable         enable          range           theme
page            seq             sequence        ping4           port
restart         rst             reset           cls             redisplay
save            load            geom            geometry        clr
clear           help

Showin the 1s command at root:

    Pktgen:/> ls
    [pktgen]        [sbin]          copyright
Pktgen:/> ls sbin
version         echo            script          env             path
hugepages       cmap            more            history         quit
screen.clear    pwd             cd              ls              rm
mkdir           chelp           sleep           delay

The case of using ls -l in a subdirectory:

Pktgen:/> cd sbin
Pktgen:/sbin/> ls -l
version          Command : Display version information
echo             Command : simple echo a string to the screen
script           Command : load and process cli command files
env              Command : Show/del/get/set environment variables
path             Command : display the execution path for commands
hugepages        Command : hugepages # display hugepage info
cmap             Command : cmap # display the core mapping
more             Command : more <file> # display a file content
history          Command : history # display the current history
quit             Command : quit # quit the application
screen.clear     Command : screen.clear # clear the screen
pwd              Command : pwd # display current working directory
cd               Command : cd <dir> # change working directory
ls               Command : ls [-lr] <dir> # list current directory
rm               Command : remove a file or directory
mkdir            Command : create a directory
chelp            Command : CLI help - display information for DPDK
sleep            Command : delay a number of seconds
delay            Command : delay a number of milliseconds

Show help using ls -l command in pktgen directory:

Pktgen:/sbin/> cd ../pktgen/bin
Pktgen:/pktgen/bin/> ls -l
off              Alias : disable screen
on               Alias : enable screen
rate             Command : Rate setup commands
plugin           Command : Plugin a shared object file
dbg              Command : debug commands
set              Command : set a number of options
pcap             Command : pcap commands
stp              Alias : stop all
str              Alias : start all
stop             Command : stop features
start            Command : start features
disable          Command : disable features
enable           Command : enable features
range            Command : Range commands
theme            Command : Set, save, show the theme
page             Command : change page displays
seq              Alias : sequence
sequence         Command : sequence command
ping4            Command : Send a ping packet for IPv4
port             Command : Switch between ports
restart          Command : restart port
rst              Alias : reset all
reset            Command : reset pktgen configuration
cls              Alias : redisplay
redisplay        Command : redisplay the screen
save             Command : save the current state
load             Command : load command file
geom             Alias : geometry
geometry         Command : set the screen geometry
clr              Alias : clear all stats
clear            Command : clear stats, ...
help             Command : help command


Runtime Options and Commands

While the pktgen application is running you will see a command prompt as follows:


From this you can get help or issue runtime commands:

Pktgen:/> help

set <portlist> <xxx> value    - Set a few port values
save <path-to-file>           - Save a configuration file using the
load <path-to-file>           - Load a command/script file from the
                                given path

The page commands to show different screens:

    ** Pktgen Help Information **

page [0-7]                         - Show the port pages or configuration or sequence page
page main                          - Display page zero
page range                         - Display the range packet page
page config | cfg                  - Display the configuration page
page pcap                          - Display the pcap page
page cpu                           - Display some information about the CPU system
page next                          - Display next page of PCAP packets.
page sequence | seq                - sequence will display a set of packets for a given port
                                    Note: use the 'port <number>' to display a new port sequence
page rnd                           - Display the random bitfields to packets for a given port
                                    Note: use the 'port <number>' to display a new port sequence
page log                           - Display the log messages page
page latency                       - Display the latency page
page stats                         - Display physical ports stats for all ports
page xstats                        - Display port XSTATS values
page rate                          - Display Rate Pacing values

List of the enable/disable commands:

enable|disable <portlist> process  - Enable or Disable processing of ARP/ICMP/IPv4/IPv6 packets
enable|disable <portlist> mpls     - Enable/disable sending MPLS entry in packets
enable|disable <portlist> qinq     - Enable/disable sending Q-in-Q header in packets
enable|disable <portlist> gre      - Enable/disable GRE support
enable|disable <portlist> gre_eth  - Enable/disable GRE with Ethernet frame payload
enable|disable <portlist> vlan     - Enable/disable VLAN tagging
enable|disable <portlist> garp     - Enable or Disable Gratuitous ARP packet processing
enable|disable <portlist> random   - Enable/disable Random packet support
enable|disable <portlist> latency  - Enable/disable latency testing
enable|disable <portlist> pcap     - Enable or Disable sending pcap packets on a portlist
enable|disable <portlist> blink    - Blink LED on port(s)
enable|disable <portlist> rx_tap   - Enable/Disable RX Tap support
enable|disable <portlist> tx_tap   - Enable/Disable TX Tap support
enable|disable <portlist> icmp     - Enable/Disable sending ICMP packets
enable|disable <portlist> range    - Enable or Disable the given portlist for sending a range of packets
enable|disable <portlist> capture  - Enable/disable packet capturing on a portlist, disable to save capture
                                    Disable capture on a port to save the data into the currect working directory.
enable|disable <portlist> bonding  - Enable call TX with zero packets for bonding driver
enable|disable <portlist> vxlan    - Send VxLAN packets
enable|disable <portlist> rate     - Enable/Disable Rate Packing on given ports
enable|disable mac_from_arp        - Enable/disable MAC address from ARP packet
enable|disable screen              - Enable/disable updating the screen and unlock/lock window
    off                            - screen off shortcut
    on                             - screen on shortcut

List of the set commands:

    note: <portlist>               - a list of ports (no spaces) e.g. 2,4,6-9,12 or the word 'all'
set <portlist> count <value>       - number of packets to transmit
set <portlist> size <value>        - size of the packet to transmit
set <portlist> rate <percent>      - Packet rate in percentage
set <portlist> txburst <value>     - number of packets in a Tx burst
set <portlist> rxburst <value>     - number of packets in a Rx burst
set <portlist> tx_cycles <value>   - DEBUG to set the number of cycles per TX burst
set <portlist> sport <value>       - Source port number for TCP
set <portlist> dport <value>       - Destination port number for TCP
set <portlist> ttl <value>         - Set the TTL value for the single port more
set <portlist> seq_cnt|seqcnt|seqCnt <value>
                                - Set the number of packet in the sequence to send [0-16]
set <portlist> prime <value>       - Set the number of packets to send on prime command
set <portlist> dump <value>        - Dump the next 1-32 received packets to the screen
                                    Dumped packets are in the log, use 'page log' to view
set <portlist> vlan|vlanid <value> - Set the VLAN ID value for the portlist
set <portlist> jitter <value>      - Set the jitter threshold in micro-seconds
set <portlist> src|dst mac <addr>  - Set MAC addresses 00:11:22:33:44:55 or 0011:2233:4455 format
set <portlist> type ipv4|ipv6|vlan|arp - Set the packet type to IPv4 or IPv6 or VLAN
set <portlist> proto udp|tcp|icmp  - Set the packet protocol to UDP or TCP or ICMP per port
set <portlist> pattern <type>      - Set the fill pattern type
                type - abc        - Default pattern of abc string
                        none       - No fill pattern, maybe random data
                        zero       - Fill of zero bytes
                        user       - User supplied string of max 16 bytes
set <portlist> user pattern <string> - A 16 byte string, must set 'pattern user' command
set <portlist> [src|dst] ip ipaddr - Set IP addresses, Source must include network mask e.g.
set <portlist> qinqids <id1> <id2> - Set the Q-in-Q ID's for the portlist
set <portlist> rnd <idx> <off> <mask> - Set random mask for all transmitted packets from portlist
    idx: random mask index slot
    off: offset in bytes to apply mask value
    mask: up to 32 bit long mask specification (empty to disable):
        0: bit will be 0
        1: bit will be 1
        .: bit will be ignored (original value is retained)
        X: bit will get random value
set <portlist> cos <value>         - Set the CoS value for the portlist
set <portlist> tos <value>         - Set the ToS value for the portlist
set <portlist> vxlan <flags> <group id> <vxlan_id> - Set the vxlan values
set ports_per_page <value>         - Set ports per page value 1 - 6

The range commands:

-- Setup the packet range values --
   note: SMMI = start|min|max|inc (start, minimum, maximum, increment)

  range <portlist> src|dst mac <SMMI> <etheraddr> - Set destination/source MAC address
      e.g: range 0 src mac start 00:00:00:00:00:00
          range 0 dst mac max 00:12:34:56:78:90
      or  range 0 src mac 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:12:34:56:78:90 00:00:00:01:01:01
  range <portlist> src|dst ip <SMMI> <ipaddr>   - Set source IP start address
      e.g: range 0 dst ip start
          range 0 dst ip min
          range 0 dst ip max
          range 0 dst ip inc
      or  range 0 dst ip
  range <portlist> proto tcp|udp                - Set the IP protocol type
  range <portlist> src|dst port <SMMI> <value>  - Set UDP/TCP source/dest port number
      or  range <portlist> src|dst port <start> <min> <max> <inc>
  range <portlist> vlan <SMMI> <value>          - Set vlan id start address
      or  range <portlist> vlan <start> <min> <max> <inc>
  range <portlist> size <SMMI> <value>          - Set pkt size start address
      or  range <portlist> size <start> <min> <max> <inc>
  range <portlist> teid <SMMI> <value>          - Set TEID value
      or  range <portlist> teid <start> <min> <max> <inc>
  range <portlist> mpls entry <hex-value>       - Set MPLS entry value
  range <portlist> qinq index <val1> <val2>     - Set QinQ index values
  range <portlist> gre key <value>              - Set GRE key value
  range <portlist> cos <SMMI> <value>           - Set cos value
  range <portlist> tos <SMMI> <value>           - Set tos value

The sequence commands:

sequence <seq#> <portlist> dst <Mac> src <Mac> dst <IP> src <IP> sport <val> dport <val> ipv4|ipv6 udp|tcp|icmp vlan <val> size <val> [teid <val>]
sequence <seq#> <portlist> <dst-Mac> <src-Mac> <dst-IP> <src-IP> <sport> <dport> ipv4|ipv6 udp|tcp|icmp <vlanid> <pktsize> [<teid>]
sequence <seq#> <portlist> cos <cos> tos <tos>
sequence <seq#> <portlist> vxlan <flags> gid <group_id> vid <vxlan_id>
                                - Set the sequence packet information, make sure the src-IP
                                    has the netmask value eg

The pcap commands:

pcap show                          - Show PCAP information
pcap index                         - Move the PCAP file index to the given packet number,  0 - rewind, -1 - end of file
pcap filter <portlist> <string>    - PCAP filter string to filter packets on receive

The start|stop commands:

start <portlist>                   - Start transmitting packets
stop <portlist>                    - Stop transmitting packets
stp                                - Stop all ports from transmitting
str                                - Start all ports transmitting
start <portlist> prime             - Transmit packets on each port listed. See set prime command above
start <portlist> arp <type>        - Send a ARP type packet
   type - request | gratuitous | req | grat
The debug commands::
dbg l2p - Dump out internal lcore to port mapping dbg tx_dbg - Enable tx debug output dbg mempool <portlist> <type> - Dump out the mempool info for a given type dbg pdump <portlist> - Hex dump the first packet to be sent, single packet mode only dbg memzone - List all of the current memzones dbg memseg - List all of the current memsegs dbg hexdump <addr> <len> - hex dump memory at given address dbg break - break into the debugger dbg memcpy [loop-cnt KBytes] - run a memcpy test

The odd or special commands:

save <path-to-file>                - Save a configuration file using the filename
load <path-to-file>                - Load a command/script file from the given path
script <filename>                  - Execute the Lua script code in file (www.lua.org). (if Lua is enabled)
lua 'lua string'                   - Execute the Lua code in the string needs quotes (if Lua is enabled)
geometry <geom>                    - Set the display geometry Columns by Rows (ColxRow)
clear <portlist> stats             - Clear the statistics
clr                                - Clear all Statistices
reset <portlist>                   - Reset the configuration the ports to the default
rst                                - Reset the configuration for all ports
ports per page [1-6]               - Set the number of ports displayed per page
port <number>                      - Sets the sequence packets to display for a given port
restart <portlist>                 - Restart or stop a ethernet port and restart
ping4 <portlist>                   - Send a IPv4 ICMP echo request on the given portlist
The theme commands::
theme <item> <fg> <bg> <attr> - Set color for item with fg/bg color and attribute value theme show - List the item strings, colors and attributes to the items theme save <filename> - Save the current color theme to a file
The plugin commands::
plugin - Show the plugins currently installed plugin load <filename> - Load a plugin file plugin load <filename> <path> - Load a plugin file at path plugin rm|delete <plugin> - Remove or delete a plugin

The ``rate` commands for packet pacing:

rate <portlist> count <value>        - number of packets to transmit
rate <portlist> size <value>         - size of the packet to transmit
rate <portlist> rate <percent>       - Packet rate in percentage
rate <portlist> burst <value>        - number of packets in a burst
rate <portlist> sport <value>        - Source port number for TCP
rate <portlist> dport <value>        - Destination port number for TCP
rate <portlist> ttl <value>          - Set the TTL value for the single port more
rate <portlist> src|dst mac <addr>   - Set MAC addresses 00:11:22:33:44:55 or 0011:2233:4455 format
rate <portlist> type ipv4|ipv6|vlan|arp - Set the packet type to IPv4 or IPv6 or VLAN
rate <portlist> proto udp|tcp|icmp   - Set the packet protocol to UDP or TCP or ICMP per port
rate <portlist> [src|dst] ip ipaddr  - Set IP addresses, Source must include network mask e.g.
rate <portlist> fps <value>          - Set the frame per second value e.g. 60fps
rate <portlist> lines <value>        - Set the number of video lines, e.g. 720
rate <portlist> pixels <value>       - Set the number of pixels per line, e.g. 1280
rate <portlist> color bits <value>   - Set the color bit size 8, 16, 24, ...
rate <portlist> payload size <value> - Set the payload size
rate <portlist> overhead <value>     - Set the packet overhead + payload = total packet size

The flags:

    Flags: P------------------ - Promiscuous mode enabled
            E                  - ICMP Echo enabled
             B                 - Bonding enabled LACP 802.3ad
              I                - Process packets on input enabled
               *               - Using TAP interface for this port can be [-rt*]
                g              - Process GARP packets
                 C             - Capture received packets
                  ------       - Modes Single, pcap, sequence, latency, random, Rate
                        ------ - Modes VLAN, VxLAN, MPLS, QnQ, GRE IPv4, GRE ETH
Notes: <state>    - Use enable|disable or on|off to set the state.
    <portlist>    - a list of ports (no spaces) as 2,4,6-9,12 or 3-5,8 or 5 or the word 'all'
    Colors best seen on a black background for now

Several commands take common arguments such as:

  • portlist: A list of ports such as 2,4,6-9,12 or the word all.
  • state: This is usually on or off but will also accept enable or disable.

For example:

Pktgen:/> set all seq_cnt 1

The set command can also be used to set the MAC address with a format like 00:11:22:33:44:55 or 0011:2233:4455:

set <portlist> src|dst mac etheraddr

The set command can also be used to set IP addresses:

set <portlist> src|dst ip ipaddr


The seq command sets the flow parameters for a sequence of packets:

seq <seq#> <portlist> dst-Mac src-Mac dst-IP src-IP
                      sport dport ipv4|ipv6|vlan udp|tcp|icmp vid pktsize

Where the arguments are:

  • <seq#>: The packet sequence number.
  • <portlist>: A portlist as explained above.
  • dst-Mac: The destination MAC address.
  • src-Mac: The source MAC address.
  • dst-IP: The destination IP address.
  • src-IP: The source IP address. Make sure the src-IP has the netmask value such as
  • sport: The source port.
  • dport: The destination port.
  • IP: The IP layer. One of ipv4|ipv6|vlan.
  • Transport: The transport. One of udp|tcp|icmp.
  • vid: The VLAN ID.
  • pktsize: The packet size.


The save command saves the current configuration of a file:

save <path-to-file>


The load command loads a configuration from a file:

load <path-to-file>

The is most often used with a configuration file written with the save command, see above.

ports per page

The ports per page (ports per page) command sets the number of ports displayed per page:

ports per page [1-6]


The script command execute the Lua code in specified file:

script <filename>

See Running Script Files.


The Random or rnd page.

Port 0           <Random bitfield Page>  Copyright(c) <2010-2023>, Intel Corporation
  Index   Offset     Act?  Mask [0 = 0 bit, 1 = 1 bit, X = random bit, . = ignore]
     0        0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     1        0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     2        0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     3        0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     4        0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     5        0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     6        0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     7        0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     8        0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     9        0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     10       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     11       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     12       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     13       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     14       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     15       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     16       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     17       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     18       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     19       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     20       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     21       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     22       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     23       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     24       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     25       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     26       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     27       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     28       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     29       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     30       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     31       0      No   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
     -- Pktgen Ver: 3.2.4 (DPDK 17.05.0-rc0)  Powered by DPDK -----

The sequence or seq page.

<Sequence Page>  Copyright(c) <2010-2023>, Intel Corporation
  Port   :  0, Sequence Count:  8 of 16                                                                            GTPu
    * Seq:            Dst MAC           Src MAC          Dst IP            Src IP    Port S/D Protocol:VLAN  Size  TEID
    *   0:  3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8   1234/5678 IPv4/TCP:0001   64     0
    *   1:  3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8   1234/5678 IPv4/TCP:0001   64     0
    *   2:  3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8   1234/5678 IPv4/TCP:0001   64     0
    *   3:  3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8   1234/5678 IPv4/TCP:0001   64     0
    *   4:  3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8   1234/5678 IPv4/TCP:0001   64     0
    *   5:  3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8   1234/5678 IPv4/TCP:0001   64     0
    *   6:  3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8   1234/5678 IPv4/TCP:0001   64     0
    *   7:  3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9 3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8   1234/5678 IPv4/TCP:0001   64     0

    -- Pktgen Ver: 3.2.4 (DPDK 17.05.0-rc0)  Powered by DPDK ---------------

The CPU information page.

<CPU Page>  Copyright(c) <2010-2023>, Intel Corporation

Kernel: Linux rkwiles-DESK1.intel.com 4.4.0-66-generic #87-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 3 15:29:05 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Model Name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2699 v3 @ 2.30GHz
CPU Speed : 1201.031
Cache Size: 46080 KB

CPU Flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc aperfmperf eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 sdbg fma cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid dca sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm abm epb tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid cqm xsaveopt cqm_llc cqm_occup_llc dtherm ida arat pln pts
  2 sockets, 18 cores per socket and 2 threads per core.
  Socket   :    0         1
  Core   0 : [ 0,36]   [18,54]
  Core   1 : [ 1,37]   [19,55]
  Core   2 : [ 2,38]   [20,56]
  Core   3 : [ 3,39]   [21,57]
  Core   4 : [ 4,40]   [22,58]
  Core   5 : [ 5,41]   [23,59]
  Core   6 : [ 6,42]   [24,60]
  Core   7 : [ 7,43]   [25,61]
  Core   8 : [ 8,44]   [26,62]
  Core   9 : [ 9,45]   [27,63]
  Core  10 : [10,46]   [28,64]
  Core  11 : [11,47]   [29,65]
  Core  12 : [12,48]   [30,66]
  Core  13 : [13,49]   [31,67]
  Core  14 : [14,50]   [32,68]
  Core  15 : [15,51]   [33,69]
  Core  16 : [16,52]   [34,70]
  Core  17 : [17,53]   [35,71]

The latency page.

-- Ports 0-3 of 8   <Main Page>  Copyright(c) <2010-2023>, Intel Corporation
        Flags:Port         :   P----S---------:0   P--------------:1   P--------------:2   P--------------:3
        Link State         :       <UP-10000-FD>       <UP-10000-FD>       <UP-10000-FD>       <UP-10000-FD>     ----TotalRate----
        Pkts/s Max/Rx      :                 0/0                 0/0                 0/0                 0/0                   0/0
               Max/Tx      :                 0/0                 0/0                 0/0                 0/0                   0/0
        MBits/s Rx/Tx      :                 0/0                 0/0                 0/0                 0/0                   0/0
        Latency usec       :                   0                   0                   0                   0
        Jitter Threshold   :                  50                  50                  50                  50
        Jitter count       :                   0                   0                   0                   0
        Total Rx pkts      :                   0                   0                   0                   0
        Jitter percent     :                   0                   0                   0                   0
        Pattern Type       :             abcd...             abcd...             abcd...             abcd...
        Tx Count/% Rate    :       Forever /100%       Forever /100%       Forever /100%       Forever /100%
        PktSize/Rx:Tx Burst:         64 / 32: 64           64 /   32           64 /   32           64 /   32
        Src/Dest Port      :         1234 / 5678         1234 / 5678         1234 / 5678         1234 / 5678
        Pkt Type:VLAN ID   :     IPv4 / TCP:0001     IPv4 / TCP:0001     IPv4 / TCP:0001     IPv4 / TCP:0001
        Dst  IP Address    :
        Src  IP Address    :
        Dst MAC Address    :   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:db   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:da
        Src MAC Address    :   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:da   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:db
        VendID/PCI Addr    :   8086:1572/04:00.0   8086:1572/04:00.1   8086:1572/04:00.2   8086:1572/04:00.3

        -- Pktgen Ver: 3.2.4 (DPDK 17.05.0-rc0)  Powered by DPDK ---------------

The config or cfg page.

<CPU Page>  Copyright(c) <2010-2023>, Intel Corporation
 2 sockets, 18 cores, 2 threads
  Socket   :    0         1      Port description
  Core   0 : [ 0,36]   [18,54]   0000:04:00.0 : Intel Corporation X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 01)
  Core   1 : [ 1,37]   [19,55]   0000:04:00.1 : Intel Corporation X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 01)
  Core   2 : [ 2,38]   [20,56]   0000:04:00.2 : Intel Corporation X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 01)
  Core   3 : [ 3,39]   [21,57]   0000:04:00.3 : Intel Corporation X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 01)
  Core   4 : [ 4,40]   [22,58]   0000:05:00.0 : Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 01)
  Core   5 : [ 5,41]   [23,59]   0000:05:00.1 : Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 01)
  Core   6 : [ 6,42]   [24,60]   0000:81:00.0 : Intel Corporation X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 01)
  Core   7 : [ 7,43]   [25,61]   0000:81:00.1 : Intel Corporation X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 01)
  Core   8 : [ 8,44]   [26,62]   0000:81:00.2 : Intel Corporation X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 01)
  Core   9 : [ 9,45]   [27,63]   0000:81:00.3 : Intel Corporation X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 01)
  Core  10 : [10,46]   [28,64]   0000:82:00.0 : Intel Corporation XL710 for 40GbE QSFP+ (rev 02)
  Core  11 : [11,47]   [29,65]   0000:83:00.0 : Intel Corporation XL710 for 40GbE QSFP+ (rev 02)
  Core  12 : [12,48]   [30,66]
  Core  13 : [13,49]   [31,67]
  Core  14 : [14,50]   [32,68]
  Core  15 : [15,51]   [33,69]
  Core  16 : [16,52]   [34,70]
  Core  17 : [17,53]   [35,71]

  -- Pktgen Ver: 3.2.4 (DPDK 17.05.0-rc0)  Powered by DPDK ---------------

Here is the page range screen.

Port #                           Port-0              Port-1              Port-2              Port-3
dst.ip            :
    inc           :            
    min           :
    max           :
src.ip            :
    inc           :            
    min           :
    max           :
ip_proto          :                 TCP                 TCP                 TCP                 TCP
dst.port / inc    :             0/    1           256/    1           512/    1           768/    1
     min / max    :             0/  254           256/  510           512/  766           768/ 1022
src.port / inc    :             0/    1           256/    1           512/    1           768/    1
     min / max    :             0/  254           256/  510           512/  766           768/ 1022
vlan.id / inc     :              1/   0              1/   0              1/   0              1/   0
    min / max     :              1/4095              1/4095              1/4095              1/4095
pkt.size / inc    :             64/   0             64/   0             64/   0             64/   0
     min / max    :             64/1518             64/1518             64/1518             64/1518
dst.mac           :   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:db   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:da
    inc           :   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00
    min           :   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00
    max           :   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00
src.mac           :   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d8   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:d9   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:da   3c:fd:fe:9c:5c:db
    inc           :   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00
    min           :   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00
    max           :   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00   00:00:00:00:00:00
gtpu.teid / inc   :             0/    0             0/    0             0/    0             0/    0
      min / max   :             0/    0             0/    0             0/    0             0/    0
-- Pktgen Ver: 3.2.4 (DPDK 17.05.0-rc0)  Powered by DPDK ---------------

